In Anthologies:
“Lines for the California Geographic Alliance,” Our California (sponsored by the CA Poet Laureate Lee Herrick), 2024.
“Leap Year,” Fantastic Imaginary Creatures: An Anthology of Contemporary Prose Poems, ed. Gerry LaFemina, (Madville Publishing, Lake Dallas, TX), 2024.
“They Didn’t,” Traitor / Patriot: A Reflection on January 6, 2021, ed. Helen Zeidman, (Moonstone Press, Philadelphia, PA), 2024.
“Bitter Gooseberry,” “Deluge,” and “Ode to Erythrina coralloides,” Out of the Ground: Poems Inspired by Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, eds. David Starkey and Chryss Yost, (Gunpowder Press, Santa Barbara, CA), 2024.
“Air Can Hurt You Too,” “Re-evolution,” and “Would Have Thought,” Writing Through the Apocalypse, Poetry and Prose from the Pandemic, ed. Marcia Meier, (Weeping Willow Books, Santa Barbara, CA), 2023.
“Reasonable Use” and “It Is Impossible to Defeat an Ignorant Man in an Argument,” Big Enough for Words: Poems and Vintage Photographs from California’s Central Coast, eds. Chryss Yost, David Starkey, and George Yatchisin, (Gunpowder Press, Santa Barbara, CA), 2021.
“Micheltorena and San Andres ,” “Pandemic Domestic,” and “Even on a Marine Layer Day,” While You Wait: Poems from Santa Barbara County, ed. Laure-Anne Bosselaar, (Gunpowder Press, Santa Barbara, CA), 2021.
“Keep Us This Night without Sin,” Voices Amidst the Virus: Poets Respond to the Pandemic, eds. Eileen Cleary & Christine Jones, (Lily Poetry Review Books), 2021.
“Assignation,” “Concessions,” “L.A. Broadway Nocturne,” “Still Life with Drive In,” “Sign Graveyard,” “Minutes After the Matinee,” Elsewhere, Paradise: Santa Barbara poets respond to paintings by Patricia Chidlaw, (Sullivan Goss: Santa Barbara, CA), 2020.
“Burn After Reading” in California Fire & Water: A Climate Crisis Anthology, ed. Molly Fisk, (Story Street Press: Nevada City, CA), 2020.
“Listening to the Beach Boys Through the Magnetic Fields,” Poet Sounds, ed. Gerry LaFemina and Christine Stroud, (CityLit Press: Baltimore, MD), 2020.
“Single, Watching Fred and Ginger,” Reel Verse: Poems about the Movies (Everyman’s Library Pocket Poetry Series), Everyman’s Library, 2019.
“More Now to Be Innocent Of,” To Give Life a Shape: Poems Inspired by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Gunpowder Press: Santa Barbara, CA, 2017.
“Do,” Maple Leaf Rag VI, Portals Press, New Orleans, LA, December 2016.
“Why the Mockingbird Sings” and “Stones Turn to Birds,” Rare Feathers: Poems on Birds and Art, Gunpowder Press: Santa Barbara, CA, 2015.
“The Right Profile,” “Lost in the Supermarket,” “Clampdown,” Revolution Rock,” Clash by Night: An Anthology Inspired by The Clash’s London Calling, (City Lit Press: Baltimore, MD), April 2015.
“After Daphne” and “Nightingales to Wax,” Buzz: Poets Respond to SWARM, Gunpowder Press: Santa Barbara, CA, 2014.
In Journals:
“Dedication,” SALT 7, February 2025, forthcoming.
“Prescribed Fire,” Book of Matches: A Literary Journal, Issue 12, Fall 2024.
“Booking a Flight,” Halfway Home XIV: Journey, City University of Hong Kong, 2024.
“The 101, South, 6:48 am, March,” Beach Chair Press, Issue 3 (June 2024).
“Against Spring,” Voice Santa Barbara, April 12, 2024.
“Treasuring Up These Things” and “Across the Street,” Tule Review 2023.
“While the Getting Is Good,” Casserole Series Journal, Issue 01: Walk.
“Pride of Ownership,” SALT 5, Number 5/6 double issue, 2024.
“Mundane Wonder,” Anacapa Review, Volume 1, Number 10, December 2023.
“Ars Botanica,” Ironwood, Issue 34, Fall/Winter 2023.
“First Principles,” Lily Review, Issue 10, Summer 2023.
“They Say It’s Only a Movie,” The Quarter(ly), Vol. 6, Part Two, June 2023.
“There’s Been an Incident,” Solo Voyage, Summer 2023.
“Further,” Waxing Waning, issue 11, April 2023.
“Looked More For,” Poet’s Corner, Santa Barbara County Office of Arts & Culture Monthly Bulletin, March 2023.
“Many Learned Persons Have Read Themselves Stupid,” SALT 4, 2023.
“Day Drinking,” Santa Barbara Independent, April 21, 2022, and also SALT 5, Number 5/6 double issue, 2024.
“Tell Them Apart,” Ariel’s Dream, Digital Issues 5 & 6, Fall 2022.
“The Poseidon Adventure,” Drunk Monkeys, Popular Culture issue, April 2022.
“Tax Day,” Pure Slush, Work issue, Lifespan, Volume 5, May 2022.
“Drawing Conclusions,” SALT 3, 2022.
“Everything That Rises Must Submerge,” High Shelf, Issue XXXVIII, 2022.
“And That Happened,” SALT 1, 2021.
“Imports,” Santa Barbara Independent, April 23, 2020.
“The Bread and the Knife,” Spillway, No. 27, 2019. [Pushcart Prize nominee]
“A Drinking Club with a Running Problem,” Santa Barbara Independent, March 28, 2019.
“Study in Red,” Wrath 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5, Pure Slush, January 2019.
“Delicate as December,” Santa Barbara Seasons, Winter 2018.
“The Slow Not,” Sloth 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 4, Pure Slush, November 2018.
“Exercises,” Miramar, No. 7, 2018.
“A Reading,” “Auto Safety,” “More Than Anyone Cares to Hear about Cashews,” Levure littéraire, Number 14, 2018.
“A Toast,” Santa Barbara Independent, April 19, 2018.
“Same River Twice,” Inscape, Vol. 1, Iss. 2.
“Reshelter,” VOICE Magazine, Santa Barbara, November 25, 2016.
“Lines for Uni” and “More Simple,” The Santa Barbara Independent, September 6, 2016.
“Pinned,” Gnarled Oak, Issue 6: Cosmology (Jan-Feb 2016).
“There Was That,” Zocalo Public Square, March 2015.
“So Generous and Inarticulate,” Askew 16, 2015.
“Centre County,” Zocalo Public Square, February 2015.
“Askance,” Spitball, (Poem of the Month), May 2014.
“Extinction’s Menu” and “Controlled Designation of Origin,” Annnapurna Magazine, March 2014.
“More Simple,” Alimentum Journal, April 2013.
“Exercises,” “Cruel Things with Her Mouth,” and “Do,” The Hilltop Poetry Review, Volume 2, Issue 1, Fall 2005.
“Nocturna Artificilia,” Quarterly West, Spring-Summer 1997.
“Stage Whisper,” Antioch Review, Volume 53, Number 3, Summer 1995.
“To Entire Delight,” Elysian Fields Quarterly, 1995.
“Not Really North,” “Evensong,” and “A Reading,” Santa Barbara Review, Volume 3, Number 2, Summer 1995.
“Laughing at Peter LaCock,” Red Brick Review, 1995.
“Leavings” and “Near to Prayer,” Heaven Bone, Summer 1993.
“Upon Finding in a Volume of William Blake a Card Pledging Love Forever from an Ex-Lover,” Painted Bride Quarterly, Vol. 49, 1993.
“Thought Patterns Hazy,” Laurel Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1992.
“The Gorgeous Cement Truck” and “A Big Hole in the Prom Boy,” Poet Lore, Winter 1991-1992.
“Circus of the Stars” and “Disappearances,” Painted Bride Quarterly, Vol. 44.
“Room for Error,” Four Quarters, Vol. 4, Number 2, Fall 1990.
“Market,” West Branch 25.
“Pornography,” Delmar, Volume 1, Number 1, 1989.
“Film and Fiction of the Fifties,” Boston Review, October 1989.
Other formats:
“Gathering Light at a Ferry Stop, Jesolo, Italy,” Viewless Wings Poetry Podcast, February 2023.
“Your Initials Sigh,” Santa Barbara Public Library Poetry Walk, January 2023.
“Endangered Santa Cruz,” Santa Barbara Public Library Book to Action Channel Islands Poetry Walk, June & July 2022.
“Stop Consonant,” Telepoem Booth at MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation, Fall 2019.